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Код товара: EK1232789    

Дисплеи Color Image LCD Shield for Arduino with buttons

Бренд: WZE
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Дисплеи Color Image LCD Shield for Arduino with buttons

Color Image LCD Shield for Arduino With buttons

This 128x128 mini color LCD is a perfect match for the portable application. It is designed to repalce a broken screen in a cell phone. So the connector was not designed for multiple attachment/detachment. Please be gentle and handle with care.

This inexpensive LCD comes with a powerful white LED backlight and a relatively simple serial interface. It"s a 9-bit interface, so beware. But we were able to get the LCD up and running on a LPC2138 with a few hours worth of work.

Frame Dimensions: 1.35x1.58"
Active Display Dimensions: 1.2"x1.2"


LCD Logic - 3.3V @ 2-3mA
LED Backlight - 7V @ 40-50mA (very bright)
Full 4,096 Color Display
Uses the Epson S1D15G10 or Philips PCF8833 Controller (we cannot guarantee which one you will receive, please see Jim Lynch"s tutorial below as to why)

Pin Out (use the numbering visible on the display connector):

VCC-Digital (3.3V)
VCC-Display (3.3V)
LED V+ (6-7V)

Дисплеи Color Image LCD Shield for Arduino with buttons. Описание в формате PDFДисплеи Color Image LCD Shield for Arduino with buttons. Описание в формате PDF

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