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Код товара: EK1088827    

Управление шаговыми двигателями DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier

Бренд: Pololu Robotics and Electronics
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Управление шаговыми двигателями DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier

Драйвер шагового двигателя DRV8825 Новый драйвер шагового двигателя DRV8825, который может использоваться как замена драйверу A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier.

- Simple step and direction control interface
- Six different step resolutions: full-step, half-step, 1/4-step, 1/8-step, 1/16-step, and 1/32-step
- Adjustable current control lets you set the maximum current output with a potentiometer, which lets you use voltages above your stepper motor_s rated voltage to achieve higher step rates
- Intelligent chopping control that automatically selects the correct current decay mode (mixed decay or slow decay)
- 45 V maximum supply voltage
- Built-in regulator (no external logic voltage supply needed)
- Can interface directly with 3.3 V and 5 V systems
- Over-temperature thermal shutdown, over-current shutdown, and under-voltage lockout
- Short-to-ground and shorted-load protection
- 4-layer, 2 oz copper PCB for improved heat dissipation
- Exposed solderable ground pad below the driver IC on the bottom of the PCB
- Module size, pinout, and interface match those of our A4988 stepper motor driver carriers in most respects (see the bottom of this page for more information)

- This product ships with all surface-mount components_including the DRV8825 driver IC_installed as shown in the product picture.

Управление шаговыми двигателями DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrie. Описание в формате PDFУправление шаговыми двигателями DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrie. Описание в формате PDF

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