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Код товара: EK1229211    

Управление питанием UBEC DC/DC Step-Down [Buck] Converter - 5V @ 3A output

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Управление питанием UBEC DC/DC Step-Down [Buck] Converter - 5V @ 3A output

Преобразователь напряжения 5V 3A Your power supply problems just got SOLVED! This little circuit board may look tiny but inside is a high efficiency DC/DC step-down converter which can output up to 3 Amp at 5V without the need of any heat-sink or forced cooling. (It does get a bit toasty at 3A though) UBEC stands for "universal battery eliminator circuit" and this UBEC is designed to replace a 5V supply in RC planes and "copters but its also great for any kind of microcontroller or electronics project that runs off of 5V. We tried a half dozen different "BECs and found this one to be the best in terms of range and stability. You can check the technical tab for the analysis of input/output range and current draw.

To use, connect 6V-23V to the shorter, thicker wires and 5V will be generated on the thinner, longer wires. You"ll get 5V (+-5%) regulated output from 6 _ 23VDC input. 3A output current, 5A peak - if you"re trying to draw 3A you"ll need to give it a little more than 6V though, 7V works well. The UBEC has built in filter capacitors on the input and output, but its a switching supply so its a little noisy compared to a linear regulator.

We pulled the heatshrink off of one and found an MP2307 you can check the datasheet for conversion efficiency and other specifications.

Управление питанием UBEC DC/DC Step-Down [Buck] Converter - 5V @ 3A output. Описание в формате PDFУправление питанием UBEC DC/DC Step-Down [Buck] Converter - 5V @ 3A output. Описание в формате PDF

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