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Платы расширения Arduino Display Adapter

Бренд: SparkFun Electronics
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Платы расширения Arduino Display Adapter

Arduino Display Adapter

Description: The Arduino Display Adapter is a simple Arduino Shield designed to provide a convenient interface to attach 4D Systems display modules to the Arduino platform, without having to use jumper wires on the Arduino headers.

Communication to the 4D Systems display modules is performed via the Arduino"s serial port (RX and TX), and is provided to the user in a simple 5-pin interface, where a 5 way cable can be attached between the Shield and the display module.

Power for the display is supplied from the Arduino_s 5V bus. No external power is required for the Display Module as all power is supplied from the Arduino, via the display adapter.


Direct Shield connection to the Arduino
Simple 5-pin serial interface for 4D System display modules
Arduino supplied 5V power for display module
5 wire ribbon included

Платы расширения Arduino Display Adapter. Описание в формате PDFПлаты расширения Arduino Display Adapter. Описание в формате PDF
